How to travel to
Champagnac-la-Riviere, (87150) is a commune in the Haute-Vienne department, in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of western France.
The nearest airport is Limoges- Bellegarde (32km), train station Limoges-Benedictins (39km). From Calais it is a 722km drive.

A footnote about travelling with oboes​ by Alison
If you choose to fly to Limoges, do ensure you have booked enough hand luggage to put your oboes/cors in the overhead lockers. Some double cases may be a little larger than the allowed measurements, so please check your own case dimensions.
As a frequent oboe carrying flyer, I have never had my instruments removed from my hand luggage and put in the hold. I have had, at airport security, oboes turned upside down, reeds tipped on the floor, and my water pot confiscated. I do feel that things have eased, but I still get nervous when the white gloves are put on, and my instrument cases look like they are about to be opened. It's a difficult line to take, as if I look too nervous, I find that security guards are less inclined to let me open my own bags.
If my bag is requested to be checked, I try to explain, that inside is a valuable oboe, and could I demonstrate how to open the case to prevent damaging the contents. The same with reed boxes, explaining that if the contents were to be damaged during inspection, I wouldn't be able to perform. I do feel a bit silly saying that, but it is the truth.
9/10 times, the security guard capitulates and they allow me to open my bag.
I have found that at Limoges airport, they have become used to the idea that my oboe is a flute, and the macabre looking x-ray image of staples in a reed box, is also nothing to to get excited about.
With the advancement of x-ray machines my instruments are pretty much ignored. If I am stopped it's because I have left a screwdriver/fork/water/any random sharp thing for reed making, in my hand luggage.
When I travel professionally with orchestras I have to complete a CITES form to prove my instruments are not made with illegal wood/ivory.
I have never been asked to prove the age or construction of my oboe when travelling or with without an organisation. If you are anxious about this, perhaps carry a copy of the purchase documents.
If you choose to fly with hand luggage only, we have a stock of spare knives/screwdrivers/pliers/wire to go around.
Any other questions, please do get in touch